Volunteer Registration Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Contact *Email *Phone Number *Civic Address *Paragraph Text *Please let us know your current working status. Job/Profession, Retired, Student. Availability *Preference (Check as many as you like.) *WeekdaysWeeknightsWeekendsVolunteer Interests / Special Skills *Specific Interests (Check as many as you like.) *FundraisingEvent OrganizingSet UpPhone CallerKitchenBakingBarInterior MaintenanceExterior MaintenanceYard WorkMiscellaneousIf you feature in an image taken at a Seaside Centre event, would you consent to the use of your image in our marketing materials: social media, print, or website? *YESNOWe take privacy seriously: The Seaside Centre respects your privacy. We protect your personal information and adhere to all legislative requirements with respect to protecting privacy. The information you provide will be used to share information about events, activities, news and information and will not be shared with the general public unless you explicitly give us your permission.Submit